We’re off to a great start
It’s been a whirlwind few months for Unity Consulting Scotland
Setting up any new venture is a step into the unknown but launching a new social enterprise whilst still in the midst of the Covid 19 pandemic was a genuine leap of faith for me and my two colleagues Tommy Kane and Michael Sharpe.
Having previously been involved in the formation of a now thriving social enterprise in my home village (The Fauldhouse and Breich Valley Community Development Trust), I was aware of the many organisational and bureaucratic steps we would have to follow and with zero government funding available to us, the financial hurdles. We did not go into this naively or with our eyes closed. Having spent our adult lives in numerous roles - campaigners, activists, researchers, advisers, trade unionists, councillor and MSP we started our social enterprise with a strong understanding of the sector and the market and a firm belief that we had something different to offer. In contrast to almost all of the other players in the public affairs and campaigns advice field we have no desire to work in the lucrative commercial sector and instead committed from the outset to work almost exclusively with the charities, voluntary and community groups and trade unions.
And what a few months it has been, in that short space of time we have:-
Carried out a membership survey for the Bakers Food and Allied Workers Union and published a follow up report on food insecurity amongst food production workers - available here BFAWU-Right-to-Food-Report.pdf
Undertook research for The Larder community food project based in West Lothian
Worked with the Fire Brigades Union Scotland to assess campaigning priorities for the coming year and helped arrange events for them at COP26
Researched and wrote a report for the joint rail unions ASLEF, RMT, TSSA and UNITE on the future of rail in Scotland and organised events to support its launch
Worked with the Jeremy Corbyn Peace & Justice project and Fairpley arts company to put on an extensive programme of events at their alternative COP26 programme
Agreed to support the campaigning work of the train driver’s union ASLEF
Delivered media and communications support to the Independent Assessment Commission into the school exams system in England and developed social media content
Agreed to work in a voluntary partnership with health and safety charity Scottish Hazards
Provided research for and appeared in BBC Scotland’s Disclosure programme on the Housing emergency in Scotland you can watch it here BBC One - Disclosure, Series 4, Priced Out
Undertook research for Alex Rowley MSP on a possible member’s bill on improving the insulation and energy efficiency standards in housing
Wrote columns for Holyrood magazine and the Edinburgh Evening News newspaper
Secured extensive media coverage, social media content, printed materials and video for for many of the organisations we are working with
We are delighted with the start our social enterprise has made and the feedback we have received from the organisations we are working with and look forward to building more progressive partnerships over the coming weeks and months.
'We are delighted with the work Unity Consulting Scotland has delivered for ASLEF over the last few months. Their support and advice has been fantastic. We look forward to working with them again.'Kevin Lindsay Scottish Organiser ASLEF