How we work

Our combined experience aligned with our values and approach makes us uniquely placed to help elevate the voice of those who want to bring about change. We want to help challenge the status quo and the powerful vested interests who dominate our parliament, our politics, our workplaces, our communities and wider society.

Since the re-establishment of the Scottish Parliament, there has been a significant growth in public affairs/lobbying companies focused on influencing the policy agenda in Scotland. These organisations are almost universally commercial entities, guided by their clients’ profit margins rather than the desire to contribute to a progressive agenda based on the values of social justice.

We are different - we want to support those who seek a more just, tolerant, fairer and equal society. Our work will always be guided by our ethos and values.

UNITY Consulting Scotland will always be open and transparent and behave with integrity in all we do.

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Our social enterprise is founded on the principles of openness, honesty and integrity.

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We will always publish our client list.

We will be transparent about how we conduct our social enterprise.


We will be open about who we are working on behalf of and why we want to talk to you.

We will be fully compliant with the UK Government Office of the Registrar of Consultant Lobbyists and the Scottish Parliament Lobbying Register.

We will work across parties in pursuing the objectives of those we work with.