Dr Tommy Kane
From 2016 – 19 Tommy spent three years as a Senior Political Adviser to the Leader of the Opposition at Westminster; before that he worked for 6 years as a senior researcher in the Scottish Parliament.
Prior to working in politics, Tommy undertook a Phd looking at the politics of water in Scotland. As a Public Sociologist, he aligned his research with international campaigning against water privatisation and for public ownership of water and wastewater services. He was a representative of ‘Reclaiming Public Water Network’ on an UN-Habitat committee.
Tommy led on a project that delivered a significant investment designed to help improve the health and well-being of people in his home community.
He is a past lecturer at Strathclyde University and continues to deliver lectures at UWS and guest lectures at KPU in British Columbia, Canada.
Tommy has expertise in policy development, political and campaign strategy, translating complex policy into easily understood lines, policy development and research.